RBP Chemical Technology is the leader in development, manufacturing and the distribution of specialty chemical processes for the cleaning and passivation of implanted medical devices. Our processes are formulated to remove cutting oils, heavy oxidation and other soils from Nitinol, Cobalt Chrome, Stainless Steel and Titanium. In addition, RBP has developed electro and chemical polishing solutions to enhance the appearance and corrosion protection of the devices with only minimal amount of metal removal. This is beneficial in terms of quality, reliability and overall cost.
RBP Chemical Technology is dedicated to delivering intelligent business solutions that cost-effectively optimize the performance of your products – ensuring your devices function properly and meet or exceed customer expectations.
We collaborate with our customers to develop the right chemical technology solutions for their products – whether they be one of our off-the-shelf products or a custom product solution created by our product formulation experts.
Learn more about our solutions for cleaning, deoxidizing and polishing of the metals used in medical implant devices below or contact us to learn more.
Call 866-434-7561 to speak with one of our knowledgable sales engineers today!